POST TIME: 10 June, 2015 00:00 00 AM / LAST MODIFIED: 9 June, 2015 11:12:08 PM

River devours dyke, threatens villagers


River devours dyke, threatens villagers

Tidal waves wash away a scenic picnic spot at Kuakata tourist beach. The photo was taken recently. Photo: Gofran Biswas

Arable land, homesteads and roads in Lalua union have been submerged by saline water following collapse of the Ramnabad River protection embankment recently. Hundreds of families have since been living in panic as tidal water has submerged their houses after the embankment caved in near Charipara village.  People of Dhanjupara, Banatipara and Pasurabunia villages are also affected. Many people left their homes from Charipara area.
Lalua union parishad member Mujibur Rahman said the tide has flooded the villages. School children are facing difficulties in movement.  He said most of the people have to leave the village if Water Development Board (WDB) does not repair the embankment immediately. Rafts made of banana plants and small boats are the only way to move around.
 Mujibur said at least 15 families of the village have left the area. Kamal Peyada of Charipara village has already been shifted to his relative’s house in Baliatoli union with his family. Shaheen Howlader of the same village took shelter on the embankment of Banati Bazaar. Fisherman Mecher Molla has gone two miles away with his family. Besides, at least 35 families have taken shelter on the embankment.
Lalua UP Chairman Mir Tariquzzaman Tara said he had submitted a written application to WDB, Kalapara; but the authorities are yet to take any initiative in this regard.
 Mohammad Abul Khair, executive engineer of WDB, Kalapara, said he has already contacted senior officials about the repair of the dam.