Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid yesterday said the government has taken massive initiatives to get all children into schools for ensuring inclusive education, reports BSS. "For the first time in the history of Bangladesh, we have formulated the education policy-2010 in which the issue of inclusive education has been incorporated," he told the inaugural function of a 14-day training workshop for the visually impaired teachers in the auditorium of Govt. Teachers Training Colleges, Dhaka.
Teachers Quality Improvement (TQI-II) Project under Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and the Access to Information (a2i) Programme of the Prime Minister's Office(PMO) are jointly organising the workshop. Senior Social Sector Specialist of Asian Development Bank(ADP) Rudi Van Dael and representatives of the a2i programme, among others, addressed the function with Director General of Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Prof Fahima Khatun in the chair. Nahid said, "We have distributed Braille books among visually impaired students in a small scale as we have no accurate and specific data on blind students." The government is working on indentifying accurate number and types of disabilities aiming to provide facilities including free textbooks for them, he added.