POST TIME: 4 January, 2016 10:55:20 PM / LAST MODIFIED: 6 January, 2016 12:33:45 AM
GP deprives railways of Tk 81cr a year: CAG

GP deprives railways of Tk 81cr a year: CAG

Allegations have been raised against Grameenphone (GP), the country’s leading mobile phone operator, of short paying the Bangladesh Railway Tk. 81 crore every year for using the latter's optical fibre network. The issue has been raised in the audit report of the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (OCAG) prepared in October last year, which was recently sent to the Bangladesh Railway.
Bangladesh Railways leased out its optical fibre network to GP in 1997. Though permission had been taken from the Prime Minister for a network comprising 1,800 kms, the GP is paying rent for only 1,600 kms and thus depriving the govern-ment of revenue worth about Tk 81 crore, said the OCAG audit report.
Bangladesh Railways leased out its optical fibre network to GP in 1997. Though permission had been taken from the Prime Minister for a network comprising 1,800 kms, the GP is paying rent for only 1,600 kms and thus depriving the govern-ment of revenue worth about Tk 81 crore, said the OCAG audit report.
When contacted over the matter, GP Head of External Communications Sayed Talat Kamal said, “Grameenphone has leased its fiber network from the Bangladesh Railway on participation of an open international tender. Currently Grameenphone leases a total of 2009 km of fiber optic network, covered under the GP-BR agree-ment and its subsequent amendments, and pays full dues in accordance with the lease agreement signed between the company and Bangladesh Railway. Allegations of any unpaid dues on the fiber optic lease agreement are baseless.”
According to Railways Information Book, a decision was taken in 1989 to modernise the signalling system by installing optical fibre network along the country's railroads. The Norwegian government gave financial assistance to the project. The network was established to connect the existing 300 stations through optical fibre, but the network remained under-used most of the times. So, in 1997, the lease was given to Grameenphone, to monetise the asset, said Bangladesh Railway officials.
In 2014, BTRC gave NTTN licence to three state owned entities—Bangladesh Railways, Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited (BTCL), and Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB).
According to the policies governing NTTN and infrastructure sharing, to establish optical fibre networks, a NTTN license is a must. According to Section 40 of Bangladesh Telecommunication Law 2011, no organisation will be able to provide any telecommunication service without Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission's permission.
GP is a joint venture between Telenor (55.8%), the largest telecommunications service provider in Norway having mobile phone operations in 12 other countries, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (34.2%), a non-profit organisation of Bangladesh. The other 10 per cent shares belong to retail and institutional investors.

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