PABNA: About 26 villages of two upazilas in the district have been brought under rural electrification network by Pabna Palli Bidyut Samity (NPBS), reports BSS.
Land Minister Shamsur Rahman formally inaugurated the electrification programme yesterday at a simple function on Parkhidirpur High School premises under Atghoria upazila of the district as chief guest.
President of Palli Bidyut Samity Yakub Ali presided over the function. It was addressed, among others, by general manager of PPBS-1 Saha Zulfiker Hayder, Atghoria upazila nirbahi officer (UNO) Alimun Razib, president of the upazila Awami League Sahidul Islam Ratan and general secretary Abdul Gafur.
A total of 22 villages of Atghoria upazila and four villages of Ishwardi upazila have been brought under rural electrification network spending about Taka 4.23 crore.
Shamsur Rahman said the country had only 27 power stations which now stood at 100.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, he said, has made a new era after setting up 73 power stations in the last six years.
He also said more 13 power stations will be set up in next two years for bringing all people of the country under power network.