Farzana Chobi, an audience-admired face on the small screen, will be seen playing as the wife of late legendary Baul singer-composer Shah Abdul Karim in an upcoming film titled ‘Ronger Dunia’. Directed by Muktadir Ibne Salam, Chobi will appear in three characters representing the same role of Sarala, the wife of Shah Abdul Karim, from three different stages of her life. Adding more surprises to the film’s plot, the legendary persona Shah Abdul Karim will also be presented through three different ages of his life in the film. Fardin, Agun and Khairul Alam Sabuj are playing these three roles in ‘Ronger Dunia’.
Farzana Chobi, who is working regularly for television productions, acted in one film before this one. Her first film was ‘Jiboner Moroner Simana Chharaye’—a film based on a story about Rabindranath Tagore and Kadambari Devi. The film was directed by Hasina Banu Soma.
Chobi said about ‘Ronger Dunia’ which is the second film in her career, “Shah Abdul Karim’s wife Sarala played an important role in his life, and I played as that Sarala in the film. On the other hand, Sarala consists of three different roles from three different stages of her life, from 17 to 65 years. I am trying my best to render the entire matter wonderfully.”
Director Muktadir said, “Since last three years, we have been on research centring the film. The screenplay of the film has been written by Siddiqui Harun. We have started the shooting of the film on November 25 this year in Habiganj’s Sultan. Then, we worked in Baniachong and Pubail. We will go to Dirai for the shooting of next instalment. The people and places that were involved to the life of Shah Abdul Karim, we are trying to incorporate them in the film. Besides, all familiar and unfamiliar songs of Shah Abdul Karim will be an obvious part of the film.”
About 150 artistes—most of them are involved in theatre, including popular actor Jhuna Chowdhury, Shirin Bokul, Shanarai Devi Shanu, Swadhin Khasru, Abdul Aziz and Ashiq are working in the film. The film is produced by Golam Anis Chowdhury and Mukit Chowdhury. l