About 90 per cent of total 170 kilometres of road in Narail has remained dmaged for the past three years due to lack of maintenance and repair. Labour and bus owners’ organisations often observe strike demanding repair of the roads with neumerous potholes and cracks. Sadeq Khan, general secretary of Bus and Minibus Owners’ Association of Narail district unit, said it is now almost impossible to run vehicles on the roads. "No amoung of pleas and agitation could stir the conscince of the authorities concerned about the necessity of rebuilding the delapidated roads,” he said. And every time the authorities put some pebles and thin layer of bitumen to appease the people, Khan said.
The communication minister, Obaidul Kader, while visiting the south western region recently, pledged to get the roads repaired soon, but it has not been done yet, he added. Bus driver Shariful Islam said: ”The condition of about six kilometres of Narail- Gobra road is so pitiable that drivers struggle to keep control over the steering. The roads that need repair include 31.5 kilometres of Kalna-Lohagara-Jessore National Highway, 16.5 kilometres of Narail-Magura regional highway, 26.6 kilometres of Lohagara-Nahata-Kalisankarpur-Mohammadpur road, 25 kilometres of Narail-Gobra-Fultala road, 25 kilometres of Narail-Kalia road, 23.61 kilometres of Lohagara-Naragati road, 10 kilometres of Narail-Tularampur-Maijpara road, 8 kilometres of Terokhada-Baronal-Kalia road and 3.8 kilometres of Chitra Bridge approach road. Executive Engineer of Roadsand Highway in Narail Mrs. Tapashi Das said heavy and prolonged rain this year caused a great harm to roads. Repair works of some roads are under process, she said adding, ”I have been making communication with the authorities concerned. I’m hopeful of a solution to the problem.”