Finance Minister A H M Mustafa Kamal today proposed Taka 1,739 crore for Law and Justice Division, of which Taka 1,363 crore was proposed for operating expenditure and Taka 376 crore for development expenditure.
“E-Judiciary project has been taken to bring the subordinate courts in the country under the ICT network. Under the project, each court will be transformed into an E-Court room,” the finance minister said in his budget speech.
“…case management will become more efficient, since each court, different offices attached to judicial proceedings such as thanas, hospitals and jails, and concerned people, such as investigators, witnesses, lawyers and accused persons, will be connected under the central network. This will reduce time and costs for the litigants, who will soon be benefited if the project is projected,” he added.
The finance minister today also proposed Taka 40 crore for the Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division for the fiscal 2020-21. Of the Taka 40 crore, Taka Taka 34 crore was proposed for operating expenditure and Taka six crore for development expenditure
Meanwhile, Taka 222 crore was proposed for the Supreme Court in the budget today.