Rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam’s translated book titled ‘Rubaiyati Omar Khayyam’ got its publication for the first time in Bangladesh at a launching ceremony held at Channel i premises on Monday. The launching ceremony was attended by Director General of Bangla Academy Shamsuzzaman Khan as chief guest. Prokriti O Jibon Foundation Chairman Mukit Majumdar Babu, President of Lions Club of Dhaka and publisher of the book Inamul Haque Khan, Governor of Lions Club Swadesh Ranjan, Kazi Nazrul Islam’s grandchildren Kazi Anirban, Anindita Kazi and Khilkhil Kazi, singers Shaheen Samad, Fatema-Tuz-Johra, reciting artiste Shimul Mostafa and actor Joy, among others were also present at the event.
After unveiling the cover of the book, recitation artiste Shimul Mustafa and actor-director Shariar Nazim Joy recited a few rubaiyas from the new edition. The programme ended with a chorus rendition of Nazrul creation ‘Mora Jhanjar Moto Uddam’ by the Nazrul family.
Lions Club of Bangladesh, in association with Channel i, took the initiative to publish the new edition of the book, which includes all the features and styles of the original Kolkata edition. Anirban Kazi designed the book for publication in Bangladesh.
Publisher Inamul Haque Khan said in this regard, “Nazrul’s work cannot be created, but it is possible to collect his work so that it can be spread and reach others. The book ‘Rubaiyati Omar Khayyam’ has great appeal among Bangladeshi readers, and it’s a great pleasure for all of us that finally we can publish the book in Bangladesh.”
About the publishing of the book, Anindita Kazi told DhakaLive, “It is true that Bangladeshi people accept Kazi Nazrul Islam in their hearts. Seeing the enthusiasm of Nazrul’s fans and being a grandchild of the Rebel poet, I feel I have lots of things to do for them. The book was translated by my grandfather 80 years ago and first published in Kolkata. The book needed to be published in Bangladesh many years before, but I think it is better late than never. So, it is a pleasure for us that we can finally publish the book . This is how we want to explore Nazrul’s writings generation by generation.”
Kazi Anirban said, “The copies of book is not available in Kolkata anymore and the few copies that was on hand were in poor condition. So I took it as my duty to work on it. I designed the book and prepared a manuscript for the first Bangladeshi issue. I must say that, those who have difficulty about Nazrul’s writings will get pleasure by reading the book because the book is suitable for people of all ages, especially for younger generation.”
To note, in the book ‘Rubaiyati Omar Khayyam’, the meaning of ‘rubaiyat’ is a collection of ruba’i (a form of Persian poetry). The book was first published in Kolkata in 1935 and later in 1958. l