POST TIME: 27 December, 2019 00:00 00 AM
Laughing out loud

Laughing out loud

Nasrudin tries to steal a peach

One day, as Nasrudin rode his donkey, he spotted a ripe peach hanging over the wall of someone's orchard.

He then positioned his donkey underneath it, stood up and grabbed a branch, and reached for the peach with his other hand.

As he did this, however, a noise startled his donkey and caused it to run off, leaving Nasrudin hanging from the tree.

Seconds later, the orchard spotted Nasrudin and yelled, "Thief!"

"What are you talking about? replied Nasrudin. "I am not stealing anything. Can't you tell by the way I'm hanging here that I have simply fallen off of my donkey?"

Compiled from the internet