Barisal residents will celebrate Diwali utsav (Festival of lights), the one of the festivals for the Hindu community. The festival was schedule to be held on Monday night after 7:30pm to Tuesday night before 9pm. Hindu community already completed all preparation and repaired and furnished graves of their nearest and dearest ones from Sunday noon. The areas overflowed with people from different parts of the country. Several colourful gas balloons and phanush (paper lamps) were released in the sky at night. Hindu community of Barisal have been observing this traditional Dipali Utsab or Dipabali or Dewali festival at Barisal Maha Shamshan from last 165 years. The crematory area and houses were decorated with lights and lamps at Kawnia Marokkhola and Aadi Shamshan Ghat of the Natun Bazar areas of the city. Thousands of the members of the Hindu communities came from home and abroad attend the festival on the occasion.