According to the statement of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad (BMPs) on Wednesday, the number of rape incidents reported in the country this September was the highest in a single month since 2010. It said 232 rape incidents, including 19 gang rape cases, took place in September. The number was 169 in August. Among the victims, 15 were murdered after rape in September. It is extremely worrying that incidents of rape have increased in a horrifying dimension throughout the country recently. Almost everyday several rape incidents are occurring in cities and towns and even at villages. There has been an alarming increase in child rape and abuse cases in recent times in the country. It is sickening, to say the least. Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF) gave a grim picture of the spurt in child rape incidents. The actual number of rape incidents in the country will be much higher than the newspaper reports or police records, as many rape incidents are not reported to police for fear of reprisals. It is extremely shameful that we live in a country where rape and murder of women and girls have become pervasive. It speaks of utter moral degradation.
In many cases, the victims of rape dare not file cases against the powerful rapists or the perpetrators. Besides, in many cases police show reluctance to file cases in favour of the victims. Besides, powerful perpetrators threaten the victims not to file cases against them. Due to intimidation, harassment and social stigma, many women and girls commit suicide. Some thinkers are of the opinion that culture of impunity is the main reason behind the surge in rape incidents.
The criminals enjoying patronage from powerful quarters are resorting to various misdeeds. They are harbouring the belief that they can easily get away with anything. The government should observe zero tolerance towards the perpetrators of rape incidents irrespective of their political affiliation. Quick dispensation of justice in rape cases should be considered. The relevant authorities should also ensure the security of the victims and their family members.
What is now needed is stepping up social, cultural and moral activities in society. Parents and guardians should strictly watch the activities of their wards. Lessons in morality from early childhood can save many a child from going astray.