A Bangladeshi film titled ‘Omi O Ice-cream Wala’, starring popular singer-turned-actor Agun and his son Michhil, has been invited to participate in an international film festival in Kolkata. The father-son’s film will be screened in the Children Screening Section of the festival that is scheduled to be held from November 14 to 21. Scripted and directed by Suman Dhar, the film is produced based on a story by Faridur Reza Sagor. The film was premiered during last Eid-ul-Fitr on Channel i.
In the film, Agun has played as Abdul, while his son Michhil played as Omi and audience-admired actor Tariq Anam Khan enacted the role of an ice-cream man. The film also stars Jayanta Chattopadhyay, Khandaker Bappy, Papiya and Shahidul Islam, among others. In the story of the film, Omi appears as a first-year college student. Once, his journey is interrupted due to the sudden disturbance of his car while travelling to Mymensingh. Leaving his car to the driver, he plans to visit his uncle’s house, a place beside the highway. His uncle lives in a zamindar’s house (a landlord’s palace). As he enters into the house, the invisible spirit of zamindar starts roaming around Omi. l