POST TIME: 11 April, 2019 00:00 00 AM
Bangladesh wins WSIS award
Staff Reporter, Dhaka

Bangladesh wins WSIS award

Bangladesh has won the world’s prestigious award in ICT sector – ‘World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Prize-2019’ for its outstanding contribution to the development of ICT.

The Establishment of Bangladesh National Digital Architecture (BNDA) and e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) Project of Bangladesh Computer Council won the WSIS Winner Prize in category-6 this year.

WSIS Forum Chairman and Posts, Telecommuni-cations and Information Technology Minister Mustafa Jabbar and State Minister for Information and Communication Techno-logy (ICT) Zunaid Ahmed Palak jointly received the award on behalf of Bangladesh from International Telecommuni-cation Union (ITU) Secretary General Houlin Zhao in Geneva of Switzerland on Tuesday, a press release said yesterday.

Besides, eight projects of Bangladesh have won the WSIS Champions Prize in different categories.

The projects are the Development of National ICT Infra-network (Info-Sarker) project, Creating Awareness on E- Right to Information (E-RTI) through Community Radio Project, Teachers’ Portal, E- Climate justice and resilience through Community Radio in coastal areas of the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh, Geo data to control late blight fungal disease in potato in Bangladesh,

IT For The Differently Able and Mobile Based Age Verification before Marriage Registration to Stop Child Marriage project.

The WSIS Prizes recognise individuals, governments,

civil society, local, regional

and international agencies, research institutions and private-sector companies for leveraging the power of tech towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.