POST TIME: 6 April, 2019 00:00 00 AM
India didn’t shoot down Pakistani F-16: Report
AFP, New Delhi

India didn’t shoot down Pakistani
F-16: Report

A US magazine cast serious doubt yesterday on India’s assertion that it shot down a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet during the two nuclear-armed countries’ latest bust-up in February. Citing two unnamed senior US defense officials, Foreign Policy said that US personnel recently conducted a count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found none missing.

This contradicts a statement from India’s Air Vice Marshal R.G.K Kapoor that India downed a Pakistani F-16 in a dogfight over Kashmir on February 27.

Pakistan denied at the time that this was the case. Foreign Policy quoted one of the officials as saying that Pakistan invited the US to physically count its F-16 fleet.

Many agreements on the sale of US military hardware to third countries include clauses allowing US officials to regularly inspect the equipment.