POST TIME: 4 April, 2019 00:00 00 AM / LAST MODIFIED: 3 April, 2019 08:51:46 PM
Telcos fail to maintain 4G speed outside Dhaka: BTRC

Telcos fail to maintain 4G 
speed outside Dhaka: BTRC

None of the country’s mobile operators maintains the 4G speed outside Dhaka city, according to a report published by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regul-atory Commission (BTRC) yesterday.

A minimum download speed of at least 7mbps could not be ensured by the top three mobile operators—Grameenphone, Robi and Banglalink—outside Dhaka, the report says.

As per the report, the call drop rate of Teletalk is 7.92 per cent in Barisal against the BTRC-set highest limit of 2 per cent. The call drop rate of Grameenphone is 0.88 per cent, while those of Robi and Banglalink are 15 per cent each.

The telecom regulator conducted drive tests to ascertain whether the mobile operators could ensure the threshold Internet speed for 4G in places outside Dhaka city. In some cases, the operators have been offering half the threshold speed.

State-run operator Teletalk remained out of the survey purview because it is yet to launch 4G outside Dhaka.

The test was conducted between January and February in Khulna, Rajshahi, Barishal and Rangpur, BTRC said in its report.

In terms of the 4G data speed, the mobile operators are offering the worst service in Barishal division. Banglalink’s average speed for 4G in this division is only 3.56mbps. On average, Robi offers 4.89mbps, while Grameenpone offers 5.1mbps of data speed.

The telecom regulator ran about 1,000 km of drive tests in four districts—Barishal, Patuakhali, Jhalakati and Pirojpur—of this division.

All the four operators also failed in the category of call setup time in this division. This is the time needed to generate a call successfully within seven seconds. In this division, Teletalk’s call drop ratio was 7 per cent.

For other three divisions, the BTRC ran about 3,000 km of drive tests, generating about 5,500 voice calls lasting for at least

90 seconds to measure the quality of

the calls.

Earlier, a BTRC report published in February had shown that none of the country’s top three mobile operators maintained the download speed of the 4G mobile service inside Dhaka city.