POST TIME: 1 April, 2019 00:00 00 AM
Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

A second Brexit referendum is needed once and for all

British Prime Minister Theresa May is undergoing a rough patch because the British Parliament is not fully satisfied with the Brexit plan she has been proposing.
Her job is truly thankless. The task of developing a thorough Brexit plan which will please the entire nation is extremely difficult. Theresa May needs help and support from everyone, rather than constant criticism.
Now that Britons are waking up to the realities of exiting the European Union, it may be worthwhile to have a second referendum if Parliament is willing to support such an endeavour.
I truly think that Britons could benefit from the hindsight. Perhaps they had not imagined the full implications of a thorny divorce or the downsides of leaving the European Union.
Rajendra, email

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