The World Bank (WB) has approved an amount of USD 100.5 million to improve public spaces and urban services in four large neighbourhoods under the Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC), a move that would benefit around a million residents. The Dhaka City Neighborhood Upgrading Project will enhance liveability of these neighbourhoods by improving public open spaces, such as parks, playgrounds, waterfronts, streets, sidewalks and public buildings like community centres, with integrated public facilities. The project will especially cater to the needs of women, youths, the elderly and the disabled, who often refrain from using public amenities.
“Dhaka is the most important economic centre of Bangladesh, accounting for one-fifth of its GDP, and almost half of its formal employment. Its population has grown from 3 million in 1980 to 18 million today. But its infrastructure could not keep up with its population growth,” said Robert Saum, the WB’s country director for Bangladesh and Bhutan.
“Global experience shows that good public urban spaces are fundamental to improving the quality of life. The project will pilot interventions to enable the residents better use and enjoy public urban spaces.”
Through a wide range of consultations with stakeholders, four localities have been selected: Kamrangir Char, Lalbagh, Sutrapur-Nayabazar-Gulistan and Khilgaon-Mugda-Bashabo. The project will also pilot interventions for better traffic management and safe mobility. These include chalking out plans for traffic management as well as improving intersection geometry and walkability for pedestrians.
“Well-designed public areas such as streets, sidewalks, parks, lighting and multipurpose community centres can make a big difference to people’s lives. They can immensely improve the living standards by improving safety, health, mobility, recreation and economic vibrancy,” said Jon Kher Kaw, the WB’s team leader for the Dhaka City Neighborhood Upgrading Project. “The project will appraise, design, and implement schemes to enhance public spaces and address challenges of unplanned urbanisation in the four neighbourhoods.” The project will help increase green open spaces by enhancing selected parks, streets and waterfront areas, in both low-income neighbourhoods and downtown areas.