A housewife sustained burn injuries as some unidentified miscreants hurled acid on her at Gobindapur village in Laksam upazila on Friday night. Victim Hasina Akhter Panna, 45, wife of Ahasan Kabir of the village, was admitted to the Burn Unit of Comilla Medical College Hospital on Saturday morning.
Being informed, police visited the spot and talked with the victim, said Monoj Kumar Dey, officer-in-charge of Laksam Police Station.
Legal actions would be taken after investigation, the OC added.
Meanwhile, Panna said that some miscreants attempted to kill her by throwing acid on her after breaking open the glass of the windrow around 2am.
The victim's son Abdur Rahman Tanim claimed that his father carried out the attack in a bid kill his mother as the couple has an altercation over his father's second marriage.
“As a sequel of it, none but my father carried out the acid attack,” he said.
However, Ahasan Kabir denied the allegation saying that he did go there since long.