Sammilito Samajik Andolon (SSA), a humanist platform, yesterday demanded compensation worth Tk 10 crore for Jaha Alam, who has been languishing in jail without any reason for the past three years. Leaders of the organisation said at a human chain programme in front of the National Museum in Shahbagh that their
demonstration would continue if their demand was not met. During the programme, Mamunur Rashid, finance secretary of the SSA, read out a written statement. He said: “The Anti-Corruption Commission should pay Tk 10 crore in damages for the inhuman treatment meted out to him over the past three years. We wonder how the ACC implicated Jaha Alam in false cases, while the main culprit Salek got off scot-free.”
“We demand proper compensation for this unlawful imprisonment. Or else, we’ll take to the streets again. The ACC is accountable for the brutal and inhuman treatment meted out to Jahalom,” said Zia Uddin Tarek Ali, president of the organisation. He urged people to raise their voice to seek justice for Jahalom.
Dhaka University Prof Robayet Ferdous said: “We believe there are so many Jahaloms in the jail. The ACC has wrongfully put innocent Jahalom in jail. His family and friends have been going through an unspeakable ordeal for three years now. The compensation for Jahalom should be Tk 10 crore.”
Jahalom, who worked at a jute mill in Narsingdi, has been languishing in jail since February 2016 after being implicated in corruption cases, while the real offender got away scot-free. On February 4, he was released from Kashimpur Central Jail-2 in Gazipur after the High Court had exonerated him from the charges the previous day.