POST TIME: 8 February, 2019 00:00 00 AM
25 business entities fined at DITF
BSS, Dhaka

25 business entities fined at DITF

Authorities fined 25 business entities participating in the Dhaka International Trade Fair (DITF) for evading value added tax (VAT). Customs, Excise and VAT Commissionerate of Dhaka West Division yesterday said they found some business entities in the DITF, who did not give appropriate VAT chalan to the consumers or did not deposit VAT amount to the national exchequer although they collected it from the consumers.

Assistant Commissioner Farhana Begum penalized those business entities financially for the irregularities. The authorities said that the fined amount would be collected in addition to the VAT.
Besides, they have collected VAT amount of Tk 3.65 crore till February 4 at the DITF, and expecting to collect VAT of around Tk 6 crore at the end of the DITF.
In the last episode of DITF, a total of Tk 5 crore was collected as VAT.