Rezaul Karim Adil, yet another vibrant name in the country’s film industry who was widely known for his screen name Adil, is no more. The veteran actor and freedom fighter died at the age of 70 on Sunday at his residence in Narayanganj. He left behind his wife Nasim Aktar Moon, daughter Munia and son Babuj Raiyan. Adil, who emerged as an actor in the Dhaka film industry with the film titled ‘Ekhane Aksah Neel’ in 1972, had left acting many years ago. He had been suffering from diabetes and lost his memory about a year ago. He was working as an advocate before he lost his memory. His wife said, “He mainly took solidarity from his profession as he was loosing his memory gradually. Though he had diabetes problem, it was under control. On Sunday, he told us that he was having difficulty breathing, which was his last conversation with us.”
Beginning his acting career with the film titled ‘Ekhane Akash Neel’ directed by Hasmat. Adil worked as a villain in a huge number of films in his lifetime. The list of his notable films includes ‘Rajmahal’, ‘Barud’, ‘Banduk’, ‘Bulbul-E Bagdad’, ‘Iman’, ‘Chandralekha’, ‘Mokabela’, ‘Taj O Tolowar’, ‘Sawdagar’, ‘Nagini Konna’, ‘Tin Bahadur’, ‘Shahi Darbar’, ‘Nasib’, ‘Rajia Sultana’, ‘Nepali Meye’, ‘Patal Bijoy’, ‘Oshanti’ and others.
Adil last visited Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC) to cast vote in an election. A number of organisations, including Bangladesh Film Artistes’ Association, Bangladesh Film Directors’ Association, Bangladesh Film Producers and Distributors Association, and Bangladesh Film Journalists’ Association expressed condolence after the demise of the noted actor.
Popular actor Omar Sunny said, “He was such an actor who used to portray the role of the villain in a heroic way. Our film industry lost a great actor.”
Adil was buried with full state honours at the family graveyard at Majdail in Narayanganj, his son informed. l