POST TIME: 19 December, 2018 00:00 00 AM
Stocks witness up on large-cap vibe
BSS, Dhaka

Stocks witness up on large-cap vibe

Stocks witnessed upward trend yesterday as major indices of both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges were found rising with higher activities of some large-cap securities despite lower transactions.

The major rising sectors were textile, insurance and engineering. A total of 135 large cap securities moved up on higher activities.

The broader DSEX index of the DSE closed the session with 15.58 points up at 5,233.59. The Shariah DSES and the blue-chip DS30 followed the same trend with 3.69 points up at 1,205.20 and with 1.26 points up at 1,843.41 respectively.

The volume of shares decreased to 8.43 crore from Monday’s 8.60 crore shares. But the daily turnover in value at the DSE increased to Tk334.09 crore from Monday’s Tk803.06 crore.

At the DSE, price of 180 securities out of the day’s 340 closed higher against 103 losing issues.

The major gaining issues were Pragati Life, HR Textile, Sun Life Insurance, BD Auto Cars and Far East Life. The major losing issues were ECABLES, Global Insurance, First Finance, Sonali Ansh and Dulamia Cotton.

Meghna Life topped the turnover leaders followed by UPGDCL, Ifad Autos, Square Pharma and Sonali Ansh.

The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) closed the day of the week with upward trend with its major CASPI 18.78 points up at 16,047.24.

At the CSE, 241 issues were traded. Of those, 118 closed higher and 87 closed lower when 49.80 lakh shares worth Tk13.23 crore changed hands.