A college student, who sustained severe injuries, while trying to save a minor boy from a beating by local boys at Nidanpur village in Bianibazar Municipality on Monday, died at a city hospital on Wednesday. The deceased was identified as Hossain Ahmed, 18, son of Samir Uddin, a resident of the area and also second year student of Bianibazar Govt College.
Locals said Suman Ahmed, son of Muhib Ali of the area and his accomplices were beating a minor boy in front of Nidanpur Government Primary School in the area around 3pm Monday.
They became furious on Hossain when he tried to prevent them from beating the minor and, at one stage, they thrashed Hossain, leaving him severely injured.
The injured was rushed to Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital and later shifted to a city hospital where he succumbed to his injuries on Wednesday.
Officer-in-charge of Bianibazar Police Station Abani Shankar Kar said they are trying to arrest the accused after a case was filed with the police station on Wednesday.