Waste of slaughtered sacrificial animals litters different lanes and by-lanes in Khulna city yesterday, a day after Eid-ul-Azha and were spreading with bad smell. While visiting a number of areas, it is found that pedestrians are walking along different points by putting hands or cloth on their nose to avoid bad smell of animal waste. The Khulna City Corporation (KCC)’s Conservancy Officer Md Anisur Rahman said on Sunday that they had collected all the wastes within 48 hours started on Eid day. He said that the corporation was working with its limited manpower and vehicles in the different areas of the city.
“There can be some exceptions in some areas” Anis said, adding that the residents should also inform the city corporation if the wastes remained in their areas. “We have also used bleaching powder on animal blood alongside pouring adequate water,” he said, adding that it had helped them keep the city free from foul smell.
Residents of Sonadanga, Nirala, Tutpara, Khalishpur, Daulatpur, Chanmari, Phulbarigate, Boyra complained about wastes still not being removed. Chanmari’s resident Habibullah said there were wastes of sacrificial animals on all small roads in the area till Sunday noon. “It is really impossible to tolerate the bad smell around the clock,” he said, he did not see any vehicles of the city corporation clean the wastes in the area. He said the negligence of the people of the area was also responsible for the situation.
Resbina Khanam, a resident of Pabla, Daulatpur complained about wastes at different points of the link road in her area. “Bleaching powder has been applied to some areas but that is not sufficient,” she said.
KCC officer Anisur Rahman said that it was not true that there was blood or bad smell in most of the lanes and by-lanes. “We are working hard. There might be wastes and bad smell in some points,” he said.
Anis, however, admitted that they had failed to clean all the wastes at the cattle markets on Eid day due to excessive number of sacrificial animals. “We started the cleaning at a permanent and some temporary cattle markets on the second day of Eid,” he said adding that most of the wastes from sacrificial cattle were cleaned within 48 hours of Eid.
The officer said that KCC along with private cleaners would remove all such wastes in three days. “We have removed most of the wastes. I hope that our work would end by Monday noon,” he added.
Residents of different areas, meanwhile, alleged that some private waste cleaners demanded high amount of money for cleaning the wastes. Md Sawkat Hossain, a resident of Sonadanga Residential Area, said that he paid an extra Tk 200 to private waste cleaners on Eid day. They have set the rate but we had to pay extra to keep our place clean. “If I do not pay money, waste will remain in front of my house,” alleged Sawkat.
“We are asked our cleaners not to take any extra money but they could receive tips,” Masum Billah, executive director of NGO, SEIAM that collects household wastes said adding that if any such allegations were found to be true, the association would take immediate action.
This year about 35,000 to 40,000 animals were been sacrificed at Eid, generating about 2,500 tonnes of wastes, city corporation officials said. Besides the daily house-hold wastes, sacrificial animals’ wastes were also observed on Nabinagar road and Charerhat road. Some residents alleged, “We feel discomfort as animal waste is lying here and there.”