Police recovered the body of a joint secretary’s younger daughter from her residence at Ramna in the capital on Saturday night. The victim was identified as Promiti Rahman, 25, daughter of Alam Ara Begum, joint secretary of Primary and Mass Education Ministry. Promiti was a student of Chittagong University. She came to her residence to celebrate Eid-ul-Azha, family members said. Sub Inspector Emdadul Hoque of Ramna Police Station said the victim’s mother informed them about the death. Later, a police team recovered the body around 1am from the second floor of a building near Holy Family Hospital in the capital. Police suspected that she might have been died after taking poison following a family dispute. But, after the autopsy, the accurate reason behind the death will be known, he said. No case was filed in this connection and the body was sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital morgue for post mortem.