Raw hide collection of sacrificial animals declined by 60 per cent this Eid-ul-Azha compared with previous year due to short supply from three northern districts--Dinajpur, Thakurgaon and Panchagarh.
The supply has declined because of lower rate, according to hide traders of Dinajpur Ramnagar Hide Market, the second largest in the region.
The hide traders of Dinajpur said the tannery owners fixed the hide price lower this year, which has affected the supply in the market.
Around 1 lakh animals, including 70,000 cows and 30,000 goats, were slaughtered in three districts this year, according to the Department of Livestock and raw hide merchant association.
General Secretary of Dinajpur Raw Hide Merchant Association Aktar Aziz told The Independent that they had collected the raw hides that are nearly 40 per cent of expected demand.
“We have collected nearly 38,000 raw hides, including 20,000 pieces of cow
skin and 18,000 pieces of goat skin during the three days of Eid-ul Azha celebration. “In previous years, we collected 50,000 pieces of cow hides and 30,000 goat skins,” added Aktar Aziz.
The collection was lower despite higher number of animals slaughtered in the area, he said.
“In the last ten years, I have never seen this kind of short supply of raw hides during Eid-ul-Azha,” said Shafiqul Islam, a raw hide trader of Ramnagar hide market.
Hide traders claimed that some of the seasonal traders with a stockpile of the hides waited for better bargain while some others were involved in smuggling to neighboring India for higher profit.
This year, the tannery owners have fixed the purchasing price of per square foot of salted cowhide at Tk50-55 in Dhaka and Tk.40-45 outside Dhaka. The price of goatskin was set at Tk20-22/sq-ft, bakri goats at Tk15-17 and buffalo skin Tk35-40.
Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather Goods and Footwear Exporters Association (BFLLFEA), Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) and Bangladesh Hide and Skin Merchants Association (BHSMA) jointly announced the prices. Last year, they bought per square foot of salted cowhide for Tk70-75 in Dhaka and Tk60-65 outside and goatskin for Tk30-35.
The hide traders of Dinajpur have claimed to have bought rawhide at a rate higher than pre-fixed prices at the field-level,
Md. Sadikur Rahman, a hide trader of Dinajpur, said he bought only 500 pieces rawhide this year against 2000 pieces last year.
Due to short supply he could not fulfill his demand; and the price was also high in local market, added Sadikur.
The inexperienced seasonal traders collected the rawhide at the higher prices and put the sale price at higher level, said Sadikur Rahman.