Theatre (Arambag), a popular theatre troupe of the country, will stage of 40th production ‘Draupadi Parampara,’ today at the National Theatre Hall of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA) in the Segun Bagicha of the capital.
Written and directed by Prabir Dutta, the play depicts Draupadi’s sufferings in patriarchal society by showing her humiliation at the hands of the Kauravas after she was put on bet at a dice-game by Yudhishthira, the eldest Pandava.
In the play Tahmina Akter, Akifa Alam and Yusha Antara will play the role of Draupadi. The other important casts of the play includes Prabir Datta, Shahriar Alam, Shangkar Sarkar, Jahangir Kabir and Lelin Firozi.
Where: BSA, Segun Bagicha
When:7pm, today