A mobile court yesterday fined six pharmacies Tk 1.5 lakh for selling unauthorised food supplements and cattle fattening and sex stimulating tablets. Mohammad Ruhul Amin, assistant commissioner and executive magistrate, conducted the mobile court at Haque Market in Bahhderhat area in the city. Messers Shah Amanat Pharmacy was fined Tk 20,000, Messers Jamuna Pharmacy Tk 20,000, Messers Chandgaon Pharmacy Tk 5,000, Messers Shormi Medical Tk 10,000, Messers Idris Pharmacy 30,000 and Azgar Pharmacy Tk 20,000. While talking to The Independent, Mohammad Ruhul Amin said that the errant pharmacies were fined under Drug Act 1940. “A racket in collusion with some dishonest physicians and pharmacy owners are selling the unauthorised drugs which pose a serious health hazard,” added the magistrate.