Non-cadre first and second class government officers yesterday demanded reinstatement of selection grade and time scale in the national pay scale for eliminating discrepancies between cadre the non -cadre officers, reports UNB. Bangladesh Swammilito Shorkari Kormokorta Parishad (BASSKOP) came up with the demand at a press conference at the National Press Club. Chaired by BASSKOP President Shafiul Azam, among others,Parishad Secretary General Md. Zinnat Ali Biswas were present on the occasion.
Addressing the press conference Shafiul Azam said some 3 lakh of non-cadre officials are being facing discriminations in the newly implemented 8th national pay scale which is very unfortunate and manifestation of the colonial mindsets of cadre officers who basically proposed the pay scale, as both cadres and non cadres serve their best to the country and people. He also said great a disappointment gripped non-cadre government officials and employees as the government abolished time and selection grade which was devised for non promoted officers and employees. He also demanded regular promotion for non cadre officers on regular basis like cadre services after completion of a certain period in the service, elimination of all sorts of discriminations between cadres and non cadre officers, ensuring all sorts of privileges an opportunities to non-cadre officers like the government provides to the cadre ones.