CHATTOGRAM: Chattogram City Corporation(CCC) acting mayor Chowdhury Hasan Mohammad Hasni yesterday claimed 100 per cent success in fulfilling the promise of cleaning up the city of animal wastes within 24 hours, reports BSS.
Hasni said it was possible to make the cleanliness drive a success due to the responsible role of city dwellers and round-the-clock work by the CCC cleaners.
Talking to the BSS the acting mayor said the CCC presented the city dwellers a 100 per cent animal waste free city in the night of Aug 22. Hasni said the people of Chattogram played a more responsible role to keep the city clean this year. They extended all cooperation to the city corporation’s initiative to manage wastes, he added.
Over two lakh animals were sacrificed in the CCC area in the 120 designated spots on the occasion of the Eid-ul-Azha, he said.