Actor Mamnun Hasan Emon and model-actress Peya Bipasha will be seen appearing in a new tele-drama titled ‘Gaulpota Shudhu Tumar Amar’, directed by Shariful Islam Shamim.
Written by Ahsan Habib Sokal, the tele-drama is scheduled to be telecast on a satellite channel during the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha.
The theme of the tele-drama revolves around a couple who are on the brink of sharing their thoughts as a couple on their bleak future. Their speaking term has almost come to an end with the passage of time and at one point they stopped communicating between them totally.
At that moment, when the distance in the relationship farthered even more, though they do not feel attracted towards other people. They reject others’ proposal with a hope in the mind that their loved one is still there and he/she will come back eventually, fixing their broken relations. With such a plot the story of the tele-drama moves forward.
The other cast of ‘Gaulpota Shudhu Tumar Amar’ includes Saika Ahmed and Kazi Uzzal, among others.