It is disturbing to note that at least 50 iron bridges in various villages of Kalapara upazila in Patuakhali district have turned into veritable death traps as repairs have not been carried out for a long time. According to a report of this newspaper yesterday, the LGED and the zilla parishad built 69 iron bridges in 12 unions of Kalapara upazila from 1980 to 1990 to improve rural communications. But the contractors used low-quality construction equipment to build the bridges. As a result, the durability of these structures has become doubtful. In many bridges, the iron rods have been stolen. As a result, movement on the bridges is a risky business.
Thousands of people of the upazila have been suffering because of the damaged bridges. Not only in Patuakhali, there are scores of damaged bridges throughout the country. Many bridges have been lying damaged for years together. Communication paves the way for development. When communication is disrupted, development is also hampered. Bridges are lifeline for the people living in rural areas. They are greatly dependent on the bridges. It is the responsibility of the relevant department to repair and reconstruct the damaged bridges. It cannot turn a blind eye to such an important issue.
Adequate funds are allocated every year for construction, reconstruction and repair of damaged bridges. But proper utilization of the funds raises questions. There are allegations of widespread misuse of state money. In many cases bridges collapse and get damaged within a year or a few years of construction due to faults in construction works. There is hardly any accountability and transparency in the works done. In this way, millions of taka is wasted but sufferings of the people living in the areas do not end. Minor defects can be addressed by taking immediate measures. Major defects cannot be addressed by emergency works.
There are allegations that a section of dishonest officials, engineers and contractors wait eagerly for repairing the damaged bridges, so that they can make fortunes. Taxpayers bear the brunt of the situation. Had the allocated money been used properly the bridges would not have damaged so early. In fact, many bridges are in vulnerable conditions in the country. The damaged bridges located in outlying rural areas are exposing the people to more sufferings. Those should be repaired and reconstructed on an emergency basis. Works done should be monitored strictly by persons of the relevant department so that sub-standard construction materials are not used. Local public representatives can also be entrusted to monitor the works.