POST TIME: 26 June, 2018 00:00 00 AM
Progress, needs due to be discussed

Progress, needs due 
to be discussed

The fourth high-level follow-up meeting of the Sustainability Compact was due to take place in Brussels yesterday to discuss issues related to labour rights in readymade garment and knitwear industries in Bangladesh. The meeting titled ‘Five Years after the Launch of the Sustainability Compact: Taking Stock and Staying Engaged’ was to begin at 6pm (BST) and end at 10pm (BST), said a European Union (EU) press release.

The Sustainability Compact aims at bringing lasting improvements on labour rights and factory safety in the ready-made garment industry of Bangladesh. Since its establishment, the Compact partners have actively engaged to address labour, health and safety issues and to encourage responsible business conduct by all stakeholders engaged in RMG and knitwear industry in Bangladesh. As part of this process, regular follow-up meetings have taken place.

In response to tragic incident of Rana Plaza in April 2013, the EU, the US, the ILO and the Government of Bangladesh signed the "Compact for Continuous Improvements in Labour Rights and Factory Safety in the Ready-Made Garment and Knitwear Industry in Bangladesh" (the 'Sustainability Compact'). The Government of Canada subsequently joined in January 2016.

At the event, progress made under the Compact was scheduled to be discussed as well as what remains to be done. The meeting was due to start with an opening address by the EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström, Bangladesh Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed, MP, and ILO's Deputy Director-General for Policy Deborah Greenfield.

This will be followed by exchanges on the implementation of the Sustainability Compact among its partners, workers and employers, manufacturers, retailers, representatives from other partners as well as civil society organisations.