Apart from singing, promising singer Lopa Hossain is also known for making short films. She recently has made yet another short film titled ‘Shekol’ depicting discrimination against women in the society.
Based on a small incident, Lopa Hossain herself has scripted and directed this short film portraying two women from two different worlds but still face the same discrimination in their life.
Lopa Hossain believes that if women come to aid for each other and support each other during hard time, then they can tear the wall of discrimination among them.
DhakaLive has news that the shooting of the short film was completed in different locations of Uttara in the capital.
Sushmita Sinha and Fariha Hossian Nilima will portray the characters of a singer and a prostitute respectively in ‘Shekol’. The life of these two characters fuels the plot of the short film.
Lopa Hossain informs that she has made this short film for the requirement of project submission in her university. Later on, she will release it on YouTube under the banner of a company.
Photo courtesy : Mohsin Ahmed