Popular singer-composer-lyricist-music director Lucky Akhand, who has enthralled and mesmerised his adoring fans with his brilliant music, has been recently hospitalised after being diagnosed with lung cancer. Currently receiving treatment at the Coronary Care Unit of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) in the capital, the popular singer is awaiting his visa to receive further treatment in Bangkok. The 68-year old artiste was admitted to the hospital from September 1 after his health started deteriorating and he was suffering from severe lung and liver ailments. The popular singer said, “I have thought a lot about some new songs and I hope that I can return to the country and develop those songs.” His countless adoring fans, well wishers, colleagues and admirers are all hopeful that he makes a speedy recovery. Several stars from the industry such as Sabina Yasmin, AsifIqbal and Kabir Bakul expressed their anxiousness and also their prayers for his recovery on social networking sites.