Police on Wednesday arrested the main accused in polytechnic student Biplob murder case after eight months of the incident. The arrested person has been identified as Shakhil Khandakar alias Golam Rosul alias Niloy alias Rony, 30, of Cilimpur Southpara village in Bogra sadar upazila. The suspect was paraded before the local journalists at the police conference room yesterday morning. Additional police superintendent and in-charge of Police Bureau of Investigation, Bogra, Akter Hossain said a gang of criminals hacked Biplob to death on the night of December 31 in 2014 and snatched away the victim’s motorbike. A case was filed with sadar police station in this connection on January 1, 2015. Later, police arrested three cohorts of Shakil. The arrestees confessed that Shakil was the main mastermind of the killing. Police have since been trying to arrest the main accused. Police said Shakil gave confessional statement before the judicial magistrate court yesterday afternoon saying that all arrestees were involved in Biplob murder.