Law minister Anisul Huq yesterday said that the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Post, Telecom and ICT will hold talks with media representatives on May 22 on different aspects of the proposed Digital Security Act. The meeting will be held with representatives of the Editors' Council, Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) and the Association of Television Channel Owners (ATCO), he confirmed.
The minister made this disclosure while talking to reporters after attending a meeting as chief guest at a city hotel. In response to a query, Huq said that some of the sections of the proposed Act would be amended, if deemed necessary, to remove any ambiguities.
Earlier, on April 19, the Editors’ Council, in a meeting with the law minister, had expressed grave concern over some of the provisions of the proposed Act and demanded amendments to its “undemocratic provisions” that infringed on media freedom. It had mentioned that Sections 21, 25, 28, 31,
32 and 43 of the proposed Act were against freedom of expression and would definitely curb press freedom.
After the meeting, Huq acknowledged that the issues raised by the editors were justified, saying that the Act would be enacted only after discussions with all the stakeholders.
The draft Digital Security Act has recently been placed in Parliament. It would turn into law once it is passed after scrutiny by the parliamentary committee concerned.
On January 29, the government approved the much-talked-about draft of the ‘Digital Security Act-2018’, which included provisions that threatened freedom of expression.
Soon after approval of the draft law, the Editors’ Council and rights bodies demanded that certain controversial provisions in it be removed, saying that investigative journalism would end if the provisions being objected to were to be retained in the final Act.
On April 9, the government placed the Digital Security Bill-2018 before the House with a view to ensuring digital security, combating cyber crime and punishing offenders. Telecom and ICT minister Mustafa Jabbar placed the bill before Parliament, with Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury in the chair.
The House sent the bill to the parliamentary standing committee concerned for further scrutiny, asking it to report back within four weeks.