Srabonno Towhida, a lustrous model who earned admiration for anchoring a cricket show on television, will be seen appearing in three tele-dramas on the occasion of upcoming Eid-ul-Azha. Among her Eid special tele-dramas, ‘Kokil O Kaktalio’ is directed by Musafir Syed and popular actress Tisha and RJ Sabbir have worked with Srabonno in the tele-drama. On the other hand, she will be seen playing as the lover of a Mafia in the tele-drama titled ‘Chhaya Satta’, which has been directed by Shahid-Un-Nabi. In this tele-drama, audience-admired actors Riaz and Shahidul Alam Sacchu will share the screen with her. Moreover, Srabonno is going to work for another tele-drama on September 15 and 16. Directed by Anjan Aich, popular model Sadia Islam Mou and Irfan Sazzad will work alongside her. Srabonno said about working in three tele-dramas together on Eid occasion, “Just a few days have passed that I started acting. By this time, directors are showing their keen interest about working with me, which makes me feel delighted. Besides, I am really happy for working in three tele-dramas for this Eid.”