Sub-registrar Ichak Ali Mondal of Bandar Sub-Registry Office in Narayanganj has been suspended yesterday over charges of corruption, reports BSS. Mondal, who had been given the charge of acting sub-registrar of Araihajar, Narayanganj, have been asked to give explanations within seven working days as to why he shall not be dismissed from the service following filing of departmental case against him over charges of misconduct and corruption, an official letter signed by Inspector General of Directorate of Registration Khan Md Abdul Mannan said. In a video footage, which went viral on social networking sites, showed Mondal taking bribe for signing on the documents at his office on March 22.
He was seen signing on the documents as someone from the side was putting bribe in his drawer. Mondal was seen oblivious to the presence of crowd and was putting money from the drawer to his pocket.