RAJSHAHI: Like the previous year, growers, agriculturists and other traders concerned are expecting a bumper production of litchi as most of the trees have sprouted massively by dint of a suitable climatic condition everywhere in the region, reports BSS.
While visiting some of the litchi-producing areas recently, this reporter found that the growers were very busy in taking care of their trees with hope of getting more yield.
Principal Scientific Officer of Fruit Research Center Dr Alim Uddin said massive budding in the litchi trees amid the favorable climatic condition predicts a bumper production of the juiciest fleshy fruit this season.
He said the trees have started getting fruit-setting stage after ending the budding phase due to the favorable weather.
Litchi cultivation has become very popular as hundreds of farmers have achieved self-reliance through farming the fruits on a commercial basis in recent years.
The farmers and commoners have been cultivating high yielding varieties including China-3 and Bedana and early varieties like Bombay and Madrazi litchi on more lands following repeated bumper productions and lucrative prices.
Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources said more than 90 percent litchi trees of all the small, medium and big-sized litchi orchards and homesteads have blossomed.
Deb Dulal Dhali, deputy director of the DAE, Rajshahi, said the massive spouting predicts bumper litchi production this season in the region if the climatic condition remains favourable till June next. He said a five-year old tree can produce around 100 to 150 kilograms of litchis which are equivalent to 2,000 to 6,000 pieces of fruits in number. By cultivating the fruit most of the families at Bargachhi, Bagsara, Charghat and Bagha have become economically solvent.
Horticulturist Dr Saifur Rahman said litchi farming on a commercial basis expands faster bringing fortunes to hundreds of farmers for repeated bumper production and excellent market price. Hundreds of litchi orchards have been set up on cultivable lands on homesteads in the region, he said.
Suitable soil, favorable climate and optimum prices are the reasons behind massive cultivation of the fruit. Litchi grower MonsurRahman said they are earning excellent profits every year through farming litchi on their orchard.