Popular model-actress Ahona will be seen playing a lead role in an Eid special tele-drama titled ‘Ashoriri’ (Ghost) directed by Emdad Khan. The story of the drama revolves around Professor Sohanur Rahman, who taught in a university. He came to Cox’s Bazar for a research on ‘Ashoriri Atma’ (Spirit of ghosts). That does not mean that he personally believes in ghosts. Rather, the aim of his research is to break the blind belief of the ghost believers. When the professor reaches Cox’s Bazar, unbeknownst to him, a pistol is being pointed at him from far away by Mohona. Just when she is about to pull the trigger, a car appears in front of the professor, blocking the attempted shot. The story of the drama goes forward from there. Scripted by Jewel Kabir, the other important casts of the drama include DA Tayeb, Mousumi Hamid and Aronya Bijoy, among others. The tele-drama will be aired on a satellite television channel during Eid-ul-Azha.