Ruling Awami League yesterday submitted its audited financial statement for 2014 to the Election Commission (EC) showing an earning of about Tk 9.5 crore, reports UNB. AL office secretary Abdus Sobhan Golap submitted the report to EC secretary Sirazul Islam at the EC Secretariat around 1:15pm yesterday, the last date of the extended time for the submission. After submitting the report, Abdus Sobhan Golap told reporters at the Secretariat that AL earned around Tk 9.5 crore while the party’s expenditure was around Tk 3.44 crore in 2014. The expenditure was much low in 2014 as the party could not carry out its activities in full swing due the ‘petrol bomb violence’ during the three-month-long hartal and blockade programme by BNP-Jamaat in the beginning of that year, he added. Earlier on August 14, BNP submitted its financial statement for 2014 to the EC showing higher expenditure than the party’s income. BNP’s financial statement showed a total income of Tk 76,05,762 and expenditure of Tk 2,27,25,326.