UNB chief editor to join Paris news conference
UNB and Dhaka Courier Editor-in-Chief Enayetullah Khan has been invited to join a roundtable conference on fake news to be held in Paris on February 15.
Member of Senate of France Nathalie Goulet extended the invitation to Khan to join the roundtable.
Among others, Facebook ‘s Public Policy Manager in France Anton Battesi and President of Association for Accountability and Internet Democracy (AAID) Dan Shefet will participate in the conference. Senator Nathalie Goulet’s intent to have laws against fake news has been crucial in creating awareness and generating discussions around the issues of misinformation through media publishers as well as social networks.
Farmers confce held at BARI
Farmers conference was held at Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI) in Gazipur yesterday. Entomology division and vegetable division of the institute jointly organised the programme with the financial help of GIZ-AVRDC Resist Detect Project. Current research activities of Entomology division and recent invented technologies were presented in the programme.
The principal scientific officer of Entomology division of BARI Dr Sayeed Nurul Alam presided over the inaugural session while director general of Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute Dr Abul Kalam Azad spoke as the chief guest at the programme.