The government has directed the two city corporations to fix 493 spots for slaughtering sacrificial animals on the day of Eid-ul-Azha. Eid-ul-Azha, the second biggest Muslim festival, is likely to be observed on September 24 or 25 this year. Acting secretary of the Local Government Division, Abdul Malek, informed reporters that the ministry has decided to designate specific places in the city corporation and Pourashava areas for slaughtering of sacrificial animals on the Eid-ul-Azha. “The government has selected 285 places for the North City Corporation and another 208 places for the South City Corporation. If necessary, the number of places would be increased. Though, no one will be forced to bring their cattle to the slaughter ground, instead we are creating mass awareness to keep our city clean,” said Malek. “The local government in the rural areas of Pourashava will arrange for the same facilities of Imam, butchers and cleaners. The place will be kept hygienic by spraying antibiotics,” he said. “In our villages we see that the villagers sacrifice animals in a gathering at a specific place under leadership of the village head. We should practice the same thing in towns as well,” he added. The ministry has also undertaken awareness-building initiatives by making announcements at Jumya prayer about the benefits of slaughtering animals at a specific place. The city councillors would also play a greater role in building awareness. The government will not allow any cattle market on the roads, which would create problems for the movement of city dweller nor would it allow setting up of cattle markets beside railway lines. Certain specific places like hospital and revenue areas would be also kept out of bounds for setting up cattle markets. The two city corporations have allowed the setting up of 16 cattle market in the capital. The South city will get 10, while the North will get six cattle market leases.