Though model-actress Fahmi has been involved in acting for a long time, her dream of acting in film remained unfulfilled. Now, the wait is over for Fahmi as her dream finally came true. Fahmi has signed in her maiden film ‘Dulaler Mukh Dekhi, which will be directed by Mizanur Rahman Labu. The actress will play the role of a university student named Farzana.
Fahmi said about acting in the film for the first time, “I can’t express my feelings in words that this is how fascinating and joyous matter to me that I am going to act in the film. Despite slightly delayed, my ultimate dream of acting in the film is set to come true. Many thanks to director Mizanur Rahman and production house for their support to fulfil my dream.”
“Besides taking mental preparation, I am getting ready for the film. I hope ‘Alaler Mukh Dekhi’ would be a great film”, Fahmi added.
However, ‘Alaler Mukh Dekhi’ will be produced by Md Abdul Momen and the shooting will commence from at the end of March this year.
Fahmi--on behalf of Sayanhika Theatre--first acted in a stage play titled ‘Apni Ke’ in 1996, scripted by Munier Chowdhury and directed by Tutul Chowdhury.
Then, after doing a six-month certificate course from Prachyanat, Fahmi acted on stage as a member of theatre troupe Palakar for one year. She is currently involved with the Bangladesh Bank Theatre.
On the other hand, Fahmi made her TV play debut with Kaiser Ahmed-directed drama serial ‘Simana’. She acted in several tele-dramas and drama serials till now. Among her dramas, ‘Antarip’ earned admiration from the viewers. She also worked in a few television commercials (TVC) and she was praised for her presence in the TVCs like Sever Rings Cement, Crown Melamine and ‘Q Cash’.
Moreover, Fahmi is also working regularly as an anchor in TV shows and stage shows.
Photo courtesy : Mohsin Ahmed