Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan yesterday introduced the ‘The Law and Order Disruption (Speedy Trial) (amendment) Bill, 2018’, raising jail term to seven years for committing crimes that disrupt law and order situation, reports BSS. He said the original Law and Order Disruption (Speedy Trial) Act was first framed in 2002. According to the bill, anyone responsible for committing crimes disrupting law and order will face minimum two years and maximum seven years of rigorous imprisonment along with fine. In the existing law, the punishment is minimum two years imprisonment and maximum five years imprisonment, Khan said. He said the government on special power would appoint a first class magistrate for conducting the speedy trial court. Later, the House sent the bill to the parliamentary standing committee concerned for scrutiny the bill and return back it after seven days. Earlier, the bill was given approval at the regular weekly meeting of the Cabinet with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.