Stocks opened week upward
yesterday with rising trend of all indices at Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges on higher activities of large-cap securities, reports BSS.
The rising major sectors were engineering and insurance. A total of 126 securities of large-cap group moved up due to higher activities.
The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) closed the day with 24.96 points up at 6,147.19. The Shariah DSES and the blue-chip DS30 also followed the same trend with 6.09 points up at 1,410.01 and with 19.46 points up at 2,260.58 respectively.
Out of the 335 issues traded on DSE, 168 gained against 113 losing issues.
The trade volume at DSE increased to 9.24 crore from Thursday’s 8.92 crore shares. But the trade value at DSE decreased to Tk 344.35 crore from the previous session of Tk 358.96 crore.
The five major gaining companies were ECABLES, United Insurance, DESHBANDHU, WMSHIPYARD and RENWICKJA while the five major losing companies were Meghna Condensed Milk, CAPMBDBLMF, OIMEX, Shahjalal Bank and Asia Pacific Insurance.
The top five turnover leaders were Square Pharma, Ifad Autos, NBL, GP and GHAIL.
Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) also closed the day up, with its major CASPI index ending 85.71 points higher at 18,954.45.
At CSE, 235 issues traded. Of those, 113 issues closed higher against 80 issues lower.