Actor Shakib Khan and his wife Apu Biswas were summoned to the family court of the Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) yesterday as Shakib Khan sent a divorce notice to Apu in November last year.
Following the notice, actress Apu Biswas appeared at the divorce arbitration alone on Monday morning at the Mohakhali Zone 3 office of the DNCC. On the other hand, due to the film’s shooting outside of the country, actor Shakib Khan failed to appear before the court yesterday.
DNCC Zone 3 executive officer Hemayet Hossain said about their settlement, “Apu came to our office a bit after 11 this morning and she stayed for about an hour and presented her statement. Till now she wants to continue her marriage. She had converted from her religion for the sake of marriage. For her son Joy, she wants settlement. She had no complaint against her husband.”
“The duo will be called twice more. We have fixed a new date on February 12 for their mutual consent. If Shakib does not show any interest, then we have nothing to do. According to the rules, the divorce will come into effect”, he added.
To note, Shakib Khan sent the divorce letter to Apu Biswas' Niketon residence in Dhaka on November 28 last year through his lawyer Sheikh Sirajul Islam. Earlier, the celebrity couple got married on 18 April in 2008, but kept their marriage a secret. They continued their respective film careers without giving away their secret marriage. Then in a sensational television interview on 10 April last year, Apu Biswas revealed the secret about their marriage. She also came out in public with her then six-month-old son Abraham. Shakib Khan also confessed about their marriage and accepted their son but refused to be with Apu Biswas.
Since then, their relationship has been on the news for many times. Both of them have been seen accusing each other for many personal reasons.