Rajdhani Unnyan Kartipakkha (RAJUK) yesterday announced ID numbers of 2621 flats under Sector 18 of Uttara Apartment Project at Bangabandhu International Conference Center in the capital, reports BSS. RAJUK handed over the ID numbers through digitalized lottery at a function in presence of the recipients, said an official press release. Housing and Public Works Minister Engineer Mosharraf Hossain attended the function as the chief guest with Rajuk Chairman Md Abdur Rahman in the chair.
Mosharraf Hossain said houses or any other establishments cannot be constructed on agricultural land. The government is formulating a law relating to urban and regional planning to this end, he added.
The minister said the government has taken apartment project instead of plot due to insufficient of land. RAJUK has constructed 6,636 flats in Uttara and 15,000 more flats to be constructed there with the help of Malaysian government, he said. He said as many as 14,400 apartments would be constructed in 'Jhilmil Residential Project' area and around 80,000 others in Purbachal area.