Audience-admired actress Sharmin Shila has returned to acting after a hiatus of five long years. This time around, the actress will be seen appearing in the ongoing drama serial on RTV titled ‘Noashal’ under the direction of popular actor-director Mir Sabbir. DhakaLive has news that Sharmin Shila spent a busy time with her beauty salon ‘Sheila's Makeover’ and her son Hridhan during her time off from the showbiz over the last five years. At the same time, she continued her regular communications with her colleagues and people from the entertainment world. As a result, she was never out of the sight even after taking a long break from acting.
In the meantime, Sharmin Shila has already started working in the drama serial ‘Noashal’. Here, the audiences will find Sharmin Shila and Monira Mithu portraying as sisters who enter into the problematic life of their niece, played by actress Toya, who lives in a stepfamily.
Sharmin Shila said about her return, “As I returned to acting after a long time, it took little time to cope up with everything in the beginning. But after completing two or three scenes, I began to find myself all over again. I got used to once again in front of the camera. I must thank Mir Sabbir for involving me in acting again, as well as I am thankful to the entire unit of ‘Noashal’ for their cordial cooperation.”
Sharmin Shila will appear on the screen from the 610th episode of ‘Noashal’, while 605th episode of the drama serial will be aired tonight at 9:20pm on RTV.
To note, Sharmin Shila acted last time in the drama serial ‘Swapnobhuk’ under the direction of Alvi Ahmed five years ago. l
Photo courtesy l Alif Hossain Rifat